Gregor's Success vs. His Family's Success

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But Gregor in “The Metamorphosis” fell short against the powers of transformation. This story, in connection to the idea of success, provides every example of how to not achieve it. Success on your own can never be achieved if you are also trying to maintain the success of others. It is seen in Metamorphosis that Gregor is trying hard to be successful for the sake of his family, not for the sake of himself. Kafka states, “Well, all hope is not yet lost; as soon as Ive saved up enough money to pay back what my parents owe him—another five or six years ought to be enough—I’ll most definitely do just that” (190). It is evident that Gregor's success before his transformation was based on his family, not necessarily himself; he worked on their behalf, not his own. Who knows if Gregor didn’t take on the responsibility of his family debt if he would’ve chosen a different career path? This story has proved Personal success has to be achieved on behalf of oneself, not on behalf of others. For personal experience, Ive had instances where friends would try to achieve success based on my success. Whenever they’ve used my work for their own success, that is not what achieving success means; this can be asking for my work to copy rather than asking me to help them. In the text it states” They were fulfilling to the the utmost the demands the world makes on the poor: Gregors father fetched breakfast for the petty employees a the bak, his mother sacrificed herself for the underclothes of strangers, his sister ran back and forth behind the shop counter at her customers behest, but this was all the strength they had” (212). We are able to see my personal example with Gregor's family as well. In living off Gregor and being dependent on him, the family never knew what working for their own success meant, but now that his transformation has occurred, they have had to adapt and learn to achieve it for themselves. Kafka’s The Metamorphosis teaches us about success. You have to earn your success yourself, or it will never truly be achieved.
