You Matter.

In the story "Metamorphosis," Gregor Samsa wakes up one day to find himself transformed into an enormous insect. He was a hard-working salesman and the family’s primary provider up until now. However, he is unable to carry on with his work or maintain contact with his family due to his new insect form and eventually finds himself isolated and abandoned. Gregor's metamorphosis stops him from carrying out his obligations to his family and society, ultimately leading to his downfall. His abrupt change demonstrates how life can derail our goals with unexpected curveballs. He makes a lot of effort to adapt to his new circumstances, but he is unable to truly succeed traditionally. The story implies that success is more about feeling good about ourselves and accepting who we are on the inside than it is about what other people think of us or what we accomplish on the outside. Gregor's battle to accept himself in his new form makes us consider what matters most. His transformation within the family illustrates how relationships may break down under difficult circumstances. Instead of providing him with their support, they turn away. It demonstrates how hard it may be to maintain strong relationships through difficult times. "And when they arrived at their destination, it seemed to them almost a confirmation of their new dreams and good intentions when their daughter swiftly sprang to her feet and stretched her young body" (222.) This quote shows the family's desire to move on and put their own goals ahead of their earlier obligations to Grego, which captures their shift in attention from Gregor to their daughter. It illustrates the issue of relationships between families and societal expectations collapsing in the face of hardship. This story made me think about how my sister is the golden child, all A’s her whole life, and attends Yale. I find it hard to be noticed sometimes because she is perfect all the time and it is very hard to compete with. Sometimes I feel almost like a bug who is isolated and abandoned by my family.
